Tax's Info


Salary means any amount received by an employee from any employment, whether of a revenue or capital nature, including, any pay, wages or other remuneration provided to an employee, including leave pay, payment in lieu of leave, overtime payment, bonus, commission, fees, gratuity or work condition supplements (such as for unpleasant or dangerous working conditions, the amount of any allowance provided by an employer to an employee including a cost of living, subsistence, rent, utilities, education, entertainment or travel allowance, but shall not include any allowance solely expended in the performance of the employee’s duties of employment

The following rates are used in salary tax calculator for tax year 2020

Tax Rate for Income From Salary 
Tax Year 2020

Up to 600,000                                                    0%

600,001-1,200,000                                            5% of the amount above 600,000

1,200,001-1,800,000                                        30,000+10%of the amount above 1,200,000

1,800,001-2,500,000                                        90,000 + 15% of the amount above 1,800,000

2,500,001-3,500,000                                        195,000 + 17.5% of the amount above 2,500,000

3,500,001-5,000,000                                        370,000 + 20% of the amount above 3,5,000,000

5,000,001-8,000,000                                        670,000 +22.5% of the amount above 5,000,000

8,000,001-12,000,000                                      1,345,000+25% of the amount above 8,000,000

12,000,001-30,000,000                                    2,345,000+27.5% of the amount above 12,000,000

30,000,001-50,000,000                                    7,295,000+30% of the amount above 30,000,000

50,000,001-75,000,000                                    13,295,000+32.5% of the amount above 50,000,000

Above 75,000,000                                            21,420,000+35% of the amount above 75,000,000

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